Jace, the Mind Sculptor Unban

Jace, the Mind Sculptor is about to make its Modern debut
Jace, the Mind Sculptor Banned?
Not any more!
Earlier this week, some pretty big news broke that has instantaneously flipped Modern from Patrick’s least favorite format to most favorite format! We were too excited to keep our reactions bottled up until Thursday. Don’t worry, this is an EXTRA episode: We’ll be back Thursday 😉
When in doubt, use Jace, the Mind Sculptor to Brainstorm
Jace has never been legal in Modern before. For many format aficionados, this will be the first time they have Jace in front of them at a Modern table. With so many abilities to choose from… Which one should they pick?
Noted Jace, the Mind Sculptor master (and Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour Hall of Famer) Patrick Chapin says that, in the dark, it should be the Brainstorm ability. That isn’t going to be true all the time — Jace both has a ton of abilities and Modern is a diverse format after all — but it’s a good place to start.
Why might you want to use the [+2] “Fateseal” ability instead? Usually it will be because the opponent has some kind of red spells to attack Jace. You know, like Lightning Bolt.
Speaking of which…
Is Blightning Good against Jace, the Mind Sculptor?
Not surprisingly, Patrick and Mike reminisce about some of their old Jace Standard decks. Patrick attempts to recuse himself, being both a Grixis-lover and a Jace-lover. Mike is happy to jump in, being a Jace-Grixis fan himself.
Mike’s favorite take on Jace in Standard was alongside Blighting. He cites the ability to attack Jace as well as the opponent’s hand.
Patrick points out that — especially at the same casting cost — Kolaghan’s Command is probably a better choice. It is arguable that Kolaghan’s Command + Lightning Bolt is actually a better anti-Jace plan than Blightning. “Blightning is too tempo-negative.”
The Kolaghan’s Command argument is strong. Not only is it an instant, you can set up Snapcaster Mage and lace together multiple cards to deal sufficient damage.
New Jace, the Mind Sculptor Decks
Mike himself — longtime Modern devotee of Lava Spike — is threatening to switch allegiances to Team Jace.
Our intrepid pair do tons of brewing in this episode. For example, a pretty sweet-sounding Bant deck list from Patrick featuring Spell Queller inspired by Wrapter’s “Counter-Cat” from way back when.
What about Courser of Kruphix with Jace?
- Courser is a great three; Jace is the best four (better than all, we have it on good account)
- Courser has awesome toughness, so can defend Jace well
- Together these cards build life and card advantage; and can affect the top cards of your library, further strengthening both sources of card advantage!
What deck idea does Mike not like? No Oath of Nissa / Oath of Ajani …
When you’re playing with Jace and Liliana, your cards are just better than theirs; he doesn’t like the idea of messing with your mana when you can just play more consistently.
Also, thumbs down to “Jace in Merfolk”. Because, Merfolk.
More, many more, ideas in this special episode!