How to Approach Sunbird’s Invocation

Sunbird’s Invocation was a “Perfect 10” at US Nationals
The Sunbird’s Invocation Combo
Adam Bialkowski busted open Standard with a 10th-place finish at US Nationals last weekend. He used a R/W Board Control-slash-Combo deck utilizing this big red six and a certain favorite white seven…

- You play Sunbird’s Invocation on six.
- You untap and play Approach of the Second Sun on seven.
- When you cast Approach of the Second Sun, the Invocation digs through the top of your library to check if there is an Approach of the Second Sun there; if there is, it will cast it for you.
- Your first Approach of the Second Sun (which you cast from your hand, remember) checks to see if you cast another Approach this game… You did!
- Ding!
This together, these two cards represent a turn seven insta-win combo.
Sunbird’s Invocation Fail State
So you’ve invested six mana in a big red enchantment.
Miraculously, you’ve untapped, still alive.
However you don’t have an Approach of the Second Sun…
What’s a girl to do?
Chin up, Planeswalker! So you don’t have a turn seven insta-win! That doesn’t mean you don’t have game…
Your Invocation plays a pretty good “personal Howling Mine” once you’ve untapped. Basically, your spells can potentially snowball into more and more spells. In the 10th place version, there are a ton of expensive cards — tons of fives sixes and of course sevens — that make its centerpiece enchantment really look good.
What’s Wrong with Sunbird’s Invocation?
If there is anything “wrong” with the Perfect 10, it might be all those expensive cards!
Adam certainly benefited from a (current?) (short-term?) gap in Mono-Red popularity. The archetype version only has one Magma Spray in the main deck, and no real way to develop its game plan against B/U Control in the early game. Further, it has a lot of expensive cards but no great way to ensure it hits all its land drops.
That isn’t taking anything away from the innovation; just to say that there is still a lot of room for optimization.
A flaming owl wasn’t the only hot Hot HOT deck to stand out at US Nationals. Check out “” now to learn more about Abzan Tokens, Mardu Vehicles, and more on the B/U Control v. U/W Control matchup in Standard!