The Scorpion God is Just the Beginning

To be honest The Scorpion God is actually near the end of the episode… Still great.
The Defeat Cycle
The Defeat Cycle (Jace’s Defeat, Gideon’s Defeat, etc.) is a quintet of fast color hosers. Most will be Staple in Standard, with a couple of them likely growing up to be cross-format All-Stars (Liliana’s Defeat especially).
- Jace’s Defeat – This card is basically Gainsay. You’re unlikely to get the Scry 2 very often, but that’s not a big deal… Gainsay has been Staple every time it has been available in Standard. Consequently, Jace’s Defeat is going to be a great way to compress sideboard slots; it’ll be nice having one card that can answer Torrential Gearhulk or Glimmer of Genius.
- Gideon’s Defeat – Mike loves this one, largely because he’s been beaten up by Gideon, Ally of Zendikar so much the past year. This card will be great at slowing down everything from Toolcraft Exemplar to the newcomer Adorned Pouncer to Mike’s hated Gideon.
- Liliana’s Defeat – Wow, what an All-Star (to be). Super mana efficient; more importantly, in Modern, this will be a Bump in the Night / Lava Spike that also kills Liliana of the Veil at the same time.
- Chandra’s Defeat – Will be bananas in largely the same way as Liliana’s Defeat. Will be best buddies with Snapcaster Mage.
- Nissa’s Defeat – While this will be the “clear fifth place” Defeat, it will create a position of privilege for green creatures. Every other color’s creatures are poised to be Defeat-ed. Not so green.

Nissa’s Defeat creates a privileged position for green creatures and adds a three-mana Stone Rain back into Standard.
Adorned Pouncer and Eternalize

Adorned Pouncer is strictly superior to Fencing Ace
Adorned Pouncer is everything Fencing Ace was… and Also a Cat. And also has Eternalize.
Would you pay five mana for just the 4/4 double striker? Patrick wouldn’t. Mike would at least look at it. That the boys are even having this discussion should tell you how good Adorned Pouncer will be.
Thank goodness for Gideon’s Defeat’s exile clause! Magma Spray will continue to do work.
The Scorpion God

“This God doesn’t require worshippers.”
If you just start with 6/5 for five mana… But with this level of resilience… It’s at least worth a conversation. A 6/5 body for five mana isn’t too bad; and if you can’t kill it?
There are two other abilities, still.
The Scorpion God can mow down a ton of small creatures (and probably draw cards at the same time). It can also shoot at big creatures to get them small enough to tussle with and draw).
This summary doesn’t do justice to “The Scorpion God is Just the Beginning” … The only way to hear everything we’re thinking about Hour of Devastation right now, you best give a listen!