Breaking Thunderbreak Regent in Modern

Thunderbreak Regent is a key card in the new Skred Dragons deck
Thunderbreak Regent won the Classic in Skred Dragons
A brand new archetype has hit Modern! Though we’ve seen other “Skred Red” decks in the past, the won played by Ozzy Kelly last week broke quite a bit of new ground.
Yes, it plays Skred and Snow-Covered Mountain.
The new / important part is the addition of Sarkhan, Fireblood.
While there have been predecessors packing five drop Dragons like Stormbreath Dragon or Thundermaw Hellkite, Ozzy’s plays three different kinds, including last summers hit, Glorybringer. Sarkhan, Fireblood makes the big Dragons much faster.
Predictably, this was Mike’s favorite deck of the weekend. “There is nothing about that name I didn’t like,” says of the onetime Resident Genius.
Would Nicol Bolas, the Ravager Improve Skred Dragons?
Just as predictably, Patrick wonders if this straight red deck shouldn’t just be Grixis… Because of course he does.
Wouldn’t Nicol Bolas, the Ravager be a welcome addition to any Dragons-centric strategy?
He does have a good point. But of course you can’t add Nicol Bolas and stay mono-red. The question becomes why would you want to be mono-red?
The incentives are Skred (need lots of Snow-Covered Mountains) and Blood Moon. How often would you prefer Skred on one mana to, say, Fatal Push? Fatal Push is better a lot of the time, and in particular against Death’s Shadow. Death’s Shadow, of course, made a mini-comeback this past weekend.
Patrick does concede that you might just want to be a Blood Moon deck.
The Best of the Rest…
Sarkhan, Fireblood fronting a new archetype — that won the tournament, mind you — is the biggest news RE: M19 in Modern… But it’s not the only new card from Dominaria or M19 in Modern.
Elvish Clancaller made a predictable debut in an Elves Overrun deck. A Crusade with upside, Elvish Clancaller is in particular synergistic with Collected Company for instant-speed buffs.
Lyra Dawnbringer made numerous appearances in U/W or Jeskai Control decks… Sometimes with, sometimes in lieu of, Baneslayer Angel. What is interesting is that Baneslayer Angel is generally better than Lyra Dawnbringer (especially if Dragons are going to be a thing)… But the first Lyra Dawnbringer is better than the second Baneslayer Angel. Rawr.
All your old favorites plus a brand new As Foretold deck are all one click away…