Hunka Hunka Burning Rage

Mike can’t stand Shrine of Burning Rage in Modern 🙁
You’d think Mike would be happy about a Burn deck winning Grand Prix Birmingham… But he just can’t wrap his head around Shrine of Burning Rage replacing Eidolon of the Great Revel at the two. To Mike, Eidolon of the Great Revel is simply one of the strongest cards in Modern; by contrast…
- Shrine of Burning Rage is a poor mid-game topdeck.
- The New Phyrexia artifact is only good against “fair” decks… Many of which play Kolaghan’s Command
- A five-mana commitment that does nothing in and of itself is a recipe for getting run over by Tarmogoyfs.
Patrick does little to turn his opinion around.
Burn deck aside: Scalding Tarn
Mike hates Arid Mesa in Modern Burn decks. While many lands are functionally identical for mono-Mountains fetching (Bloodstained Mire and Wooded Foothills have essentially the same text here), Arid Mesa is most likely to tip the opponent off.
It doesn’t come up super often, but if you pass your first turn with the fetch in play, you tend to want the opponent to fetch for an untapped shock land; they are least likely to do this against Arid Mesa.
Mike therefore likes Scalding Tarn in a 4/4/4 split.
Patrick points out a four-fetch distribution has some merit.
The two wax on the difference between the two of them playing a first-turn Scalding Tarn. It doesn’t matter which red fetch Michael plays… The jig is up before he ever breaks it. Patrick, though, is a longtime Grixis mage. He would get even more value from turn one Scalding Tarn when playing Burn than most!
Poor Mike 🙁
More and More Modern
With three big Modern tournaments across three continents to work from, Pro Tour Hall of Famer Patrick Chapin and Resident Genius Michael J. Flores have much to discuss. Everything from Storm to TitanShift is up for discussion. Check it out now: