The Aven Mindcensor Masterpiece!

Aven Mindcensor is one of the first ever non-artifact Masterpieces!
Pro Tour Champion (and Patrick’s Team Top Level teammate) Craig Wescoe joins us to reveal a sweet Amonkhet Masterpiece!
Aven Mindcensor debuted in Future Sight. The Bird Wizard has been a favorite of “Hate Bears” fans ever since. It is perfect against cards like Evolving Wilds or Scalding Tarn… Because it has flash, you can respond to the activation of a search land, and really mess the opponent’s selection plan up.
Craig’s Aven Mindcensor Modern Deck
Aven Mindcensor is a perfect reveal for Craig. Not only is Craig generally famous for White Weenie-type deck play, he actually made Top 8 of Grand Prix Pittsburgh a few years back playing both it and Brimaz, King of Oreskos at the three. (Craig takes his Twitter handle from the latter three drop.)
The Amonkhet Masterpiece Frame
From the top…
- The top of the Masterpiece does in fact indicate the card’s name. I know it looks like some crazy hieroglyphic stuff, but if you look closely, that’s actually a font.
- Ditto on the “type” line; this remains in fact a Bird Wizard.
- Bolas, Bolas everywhere! Nicol Bolas is all over this card. Not only can you see the dragon’s iconic horns int he background of this image, but stylized versions appear at the bottom-left, bottom-right, and all around the center hologram.
We think you’ll agree that no matter what else, this is a really inventive and cool looking take on a reprinted card. Check out our full take:
Your Hosts:
Special Guest Craig Wescoe – @brimaz4life
Patrick Chapin – @thepchapin
Mike Flores – @fivewithflores