Sneaking in Yuriko, the Tiger’s Shadow
Have You Met Yuriko, the Tiger’s Shadow yet?
If you’re saying to yourself anything from…
“Wait a minute… Wasn’t Shadowmage Infiltrator already a tournament quality card?”
“I really hope I flip over Force of Will… More than usual, I mean.”
“Baleful Strix is getting in unblocked for Ninjutsu most of the time, am I right?”
… You may have just read Yuriko, the Tiger’s Shadow.
This card is just one of the many “fan fictional” Commander tools that have muscled their way, all linking arms, into this sweet Legacy deck:
Have you read Retrofitter Foundry?
Pretty nice Kjeldoran Outpost, right?
You’re probably making 1/1 Servos most of the time; but don’t be surprised if you cash in an Ornithopter for a 4/4 — on turn one — some of the time. Ornithopter costs 0, the Foundry costs 1, the activation costs no mana to tap, etc. etc.
Speaking of Ornithopter…
Can you imagine playing that turn one, alongside Changeling Outcast maybe?
As a Changeling, Changeling Outcast is also a Ninja.
That means that if you play it and Ornithopter on turn one, you can swing with both on turn two, pick up the Ornithopter only, and hit with both the Outcast — again, a Ninja — and the Ninja you just played.
Which might be Yuriko, the Tiger’s Shadow; and might be Ingenious Infiltrator… Either way, you’re drawing two and smashing face.
So Many Sweet Decks…
- A 5-0 Niv-Mizzet deck that sometimes just whiffs
- Removal for days!
- The return of Pteramander to Standard
- … And new life breathed into a twenty-year-old two-card combo, at eighty cards!
Oh Yeah, Field of the Dead got banned again.
Field of the Dead was probably too good anyway. The card has insane rate and represents inevitability against most midrange and control decks.
Hour of Promise might have just accelerated a ban in Historic. Either way, it happed this week.
More, much more in this week’s podcast!