Cryptic Command is Good in All of the Spots

Every card in your deck has purpose some of the time; Cryptic Command is the card that is the best, the most.
Welcome Back to Modern, Cryptic Command!
One of the most successful [new-ish] decks in Modern is Jeskai Control.
This archetype, featuring Search for Azcanta from Ixalan has reinvigorated pure control in the format.
Seminal to this strategy is the power of Search for Azcanta to flip into Azcanta, the Sunken Ruin. In its mana-mode, this card implies the availability of four mana. You can leave up four, and threaten Cryptic Command. If you don’t have to use the Cryptic Command, you have four lands to go find it.
Former US National Champion Ali Aintrazi played a version at a recent StarCityGames event, moving up to Nahiri, the Harbinger and Torrential Gearhulk as his late game heavy-handed threats.
Nahiri is particularly exciting in this archetype. She can discard cards to help flip Search for Azcanta, and will dig you to a big Torrential Gearhulk.
Also decks WITHOUT Cryptic Command
In the spirit of gearing Mike up for the upcoming #SCGInvi in Roanoke, Virigina, our intrepid duo goes over all kinds of decks beyond the soaring Jeskai Control…
- Storm Combo – ever thought about playing Runed Halo on “Gifts Ungiven”?
- Humans – now featuring “colorless” spells like Dismember!
- Grixis Death’s Shadow – including all the one-ofs, spice, and strategies
- Jund – with Hazoret the Fervent!
- (and lots more)
When do you play FOUR copies of Cryptic Command?
- Whenever it’s right!
- … and half the time, when it’s not 😉
Check out this meditation on Modern now!