If They Tap Out for Drake Haven… Kill ’em!

Drake Haven will be a defining card from Amonkhet
Drake Haven might be Mike’s favorite card from Amonkhet…
.. Whatever that means.
Sure, it’s Lightning Rift-like (or Astral Slide-like, if you prefer). It screams to collaborate with tons and tons of cyclers printed in the vary same set. Untap with Drake Haven in play, and you have a ready-made source of defense, card advantage, and damage all at once. Mike thinks that Drake Haven could be a centerpiece of the new Standard… After all, it can counter and overwhelm Gideon, is highly synergistic with your own sweepers, and can chase down many Planeswalkers in the air, (at least when you have a turn).
But almost by definition, many playing this card will give you a window to attack.
Turn Three Kills
Flameblade Adept + Noose Constrictor + Shadow of the Grave
There are multiple variations on this kill, and some variability based on play or draw. The simple scenario works like this:
- Game TrailĀ + Flameblade Adept
- Attack for 1 (19), Swamp + Noose Constrictor
- On your draw you have five cards in hand [on the play]. If you discard all of them but one, Noose Constrictor becomes six power, and your Flameblade Adept goes to five power; now use your last card (Shadow of the Grave) to re-buy the four cards you discarded. Discard them again and Noose Contrictor becomes 10 and Flameblade Adept goes to nine. Good thing you pinged for one last turn!
Build Your Own Baneslayer Angel
While maybe not the best against Drake Haven decks directly, White Weenie decks seems to be getting a boost from Amonkhet. Always Watching was always a powerful card to play with the little white men, but combined with the new exert mechanic? Nothing but undercosted, potentially advantageous, attackers!
Glory-Bound Initiate is a perfect option. It comes down on turn two (a turn before Always Watching) and can help you build your own Baneslayer Angel.

Glory-Bound Initiate can become 4/4 on its own, but may have to slow down. Enter Always Watching