Everything Old is New Again in Standard!
New stuff is still new, but we’ll get to that in a second.

New, weird, and extremely powerful
Nissa, Who Shakes the World in Mono-Green
Mike is a huge fan of EDEL’s recent innovations in Mono-Green.
At the top end we see The Great Henge AND Nissa, Who Shakes the World!
The Great Henge is an awesome three-four combination with Lovestruck Beast; while — essentially to the surprise of no one — Nissa, Who Shakes the World provides an entirely new dimension to Mono-Green play.
It’s all about hiding behind your creatures until you get to Nissa’s ultimate… Then if you can lose after drawing twenty or so extra cards… Okay, you’re probably not going to lose very many of those games.
Rotting Regisaur in Mono-Black
Aggressive decks are doing well in Standard right now. Not just Mono-Green… But Mono-Black has stormed back with a Vengeance.
One of the main reasons is the return of Rotting Regisaur. Once again the biggest bad in the format, Rotting Regisaur provides a semi-combination with a new card from Core Set 2021:

Before you successfully Hellbent yourself, your Rotting Regisaur will often do a little damage to your cards in hand. If you have to discard an action spell… It might as well be Demonic Embrace!
Not only can you cast Demonic Embrace from your graveyard later in the game, but it can also set up a ten-point smash with the Rotting Regisaur that put it there in the first place.
Speaking of older cards, Blacklance Paragon is quietly one of the most effective cards in this archetype… Despite its being a Knights-poor deck
Everything New… Is Also Still New
So up top we teased out the new card Peer into the Abyss.
… But how do you even cast that?
May we suggest a…

Mono-Green blah blah. Mono-Black blah blah. Updates to Rakdos oh sure.
But Peer into the Abyss plus Titan’s Nest in a Yorion, Sky Nomad deck?
In the podcast, friends! Find out more now: