All the Homes for Kroxa, Titan of Death’s Hunger in Modern
Get Ready for Kroxa, Titan of Death’s Hunger

from Theros Beyond Death
Kroxa in Traditional Jund
Michael Farrell won the recent Star City Classic with traditional Jund…
… with some notable Rakdos additions.
Kroxa, Titan of Death’s Hunger falls into the traditional Jund model of a card that can generate card advantage… But is also a threat. In a sense, it’s kind of like a Bloodbraid Elf!
… But Patrick points out that it kind of sucks to flip over Kroxa with you Bloodbraid Elf.
A terrible person of enormous focus…
-Mike, seeing Collective Brutality, Huntmaster of the Fells, and Kitchen Finks in the side
Kroxa in Death’s Shadow
- MF: It’s weird that this deck doesn’t have Lightning Bolt.
- PC: What does Lightning Bolt even kill… Other than Lightning Skelemental?
While this deck is cool, Mike can’t get off the fact that this deck has all these aggro elements — four copies of Lightning Skelemental, come on — but no Lightning Bolts.
It even has Hazoret, the Fervent in the sideboard!
This deck doesn’t quite know what it wants to be yet… At least according to Mike. On the other hand, it has sweet new technology, like Unearth backing Lightning Skelemental for mad haste, more damage, and a shocking amount of card advantage.
Kroxa in Brand New Black-Red
By contrast there is a sweet new Rakdos list that inherits many of the same principles of the Jund — and previous Mardu — decks in Modern.
Mike calls this 5-0 list from a recent Modern League “the deck of the week” and Patrick points out its inspired use of “the black Strategic Planning”, Ransack the Lab.
Good removal, great disruption, and more Unearthed Lightning Skelementals!
But Wait! There’s More!
This episode covers a wide range of Modern movement since the banning of key format Staples like Mycosynth Lattice and Oko, Thief of Crowns. The best of the rest:
- The deck that is probably going to get Underworld Breach banned in Modern (and how to beat it)
- The rise of Dryad of the Ilysian Grove in Primeval Titan decks
- Stoneforge Mystic and Uro, Titan of Nature’s Wrath together (with Blood Moon) for the first time
- Scale Up in Infect
- Finding Kess, Dissident Mage with Bring to Light
- Turbo “Impossible to Cast” Spells
- Novel ways to get Emrakul, the Aeons Torn into play
- … And THE BEST Once Upon a Time deck in Modern