The NEW Modern Rundown

… But there could have been.
It’s Modern! Don’t Blink
Modern is a great format! It’s waaaaay different from other formats, though. One way we know that is that we have such a hard time predicting what will be good from one week to the next.
What decks do you prepare for?
… and when you say “Jeskai” what exactly do you mean? Is it Geist of Saint Traft, Spell Queller decks, the new Search for Azcanta stuff… Or are you talking about warping in an Emrakul, the Aeons Torn?
Yet another look at Jeskai: Jeskai Breach, by Patrick Tierney
Who is to say?
Who is to say you’re not up against Thundermaw Hellkite this week?
I mean, it just so happens that this week the right answer was “giant green things” (whether Primeval Titan or Tron-based colorless bombs), but we think you take our meaning.
Don’t Forget the Graveyard! Black Resurgence in Modern
Patrick recently commented that the graveyard may be a place to angle for an advantage in this wide and wonderful format.
Was he predicting the future?
Despite weeks and weeks of Humans and Storm, the graveyard came back in a big way at Grand Prix Oklahoma City. Dredge and Living End almost can’t be more different (despite being two different graveyard-centric creature decks). These two very different decks both kicked butt, took names, and claimed Pro Tour invitations last weekend:
Don’t Blink! Dredge, and Living End from OKC
What Week is it Again? Modern Cuteness Hotness
A few weeks ago we started talking about the new / now-seminal Humans deck based on a critical mass of Unclaimed Territories. But what if, rather than pushing “Human” with our Cavern of Souls, we just play four copies of Sliver Hive?
Instead of the bobbing and weaving of Meddling Mage and Kitesail Freebooter, we may just see mono-offense.
To Wit: Slivers, by Chris Warren
These decks barely scratch the surface of this week’s Modern Rundown. Get ready for multiple Tron styles, double-combo Collected Company decks, and our intrepid duo completely ruining a perfectly wonderful Orzhov Zombies deck.