Ral, Izzet Viceroy (and lots more Izzet)
Ral, Izzet Viceroy is one of the most exciting new cards from Guilds of Ravnica
Ral, Izzet Viceroy is not “the man” … yet
While Teferi, Hero of Dominaria is still the top Planeswalker topping control deck curves… Ral has some great things going for him.
Don’t underestimate Ral’s enormous starting loyalty! Ral can essentially start at six loyalty. Even when Ral is killing a creature, he will have two loyalty left. Two is so much more than one in a world with Goblin Chainwhirler.
While Ral’s [-3] ability is substantially behind Teferi’s defensive ability, all three options on this card are still awesome. His card drawing ability is great and his ultimate looks backbreaking.
Sinister Sabotage is even better than you think
Sinister Sabotage
Sinister Sabotage is the strongest Counterspell since Cryptic Command. It is intuitively more flexible than Dissolve. Surveil 1 is simply stronger than Scry 1. Both abilities can leave a useful card on top of your deck. Surveil 1 can not only make it even less likely for you to draw an undesirable card than putting it on the bottom of your deck, you can also exploit graveyard synergies. For example, you can bin a card like Radical Idea (or any Jump-start card).
Don’t sleep on this one: It’s awesome.
There are plenty of reasons to try Firemind’s Research
Firemind’s Research
On the surface, Firemind’s Research looks like a Search for Azcanta… In actuality, it’s more of a Dynavolt Tower.
While not necessarily a four-of in every Izzet deck, this card has solid potential. It pays you back for playing the instants and sorceries you want to play anyway; plus gives you a way to win!
Tons of Guilds of Ravnica action in this new podcast. Listen to it all in “Ral, Izzet Viceroy (and lots more Izzet)”