Meet the Rivals of Ixalan
Rivals of Ixalan Brings a New Vraska

A new Vraska? Yes.
A very good Vraska? The Scheming Gorgon is going to have a tough time competing with the Relic Seeker in Standard.
Seemingly the only advantage Vraska, Scheming Gorgon has over Vraska, Relic Seeker is in being mono-black. Vraska Scheming Gorgon’s best ability is her [-3] to destroy target creature…
This ability is woefully weaker than Vraska, Relic Seeker’s more flexible equivalent… That also produces Treasure.
Vraska, Scheming Gorgon has a potentially powerful [-10] ultimate ability… At least until you think about it for a minute. While this ability can theoretically win the game, practically speaking, you already have to have a substantial advantage to cash in.
You need to have gained loyalty for several turns without losing all your creatures.
You need to have more creatures than the opponent has creatures AND creature removal.
But if you can fulfill these conditions? Sure. Win the game.
Vraska and Angrath: Are They Rivals of Ixalan?

In opposition to Vraska is Angrath, a Minotaur Pirate.
While Angrath may not be the strongest Planeswalker in Standard, Mike thinks it is a straight-up upgrade relative to Vraska, Scheming Gorgon.
For one, Mike could at least imagine using the [+2] ability, and can imagine wanting to play this card to do so!
Say you are up against Mono-White Vampires or B/W Tokens. Wouldn’t you appreciate a recurring way to deal one damage to everything and everyone on the other side of the table? While gaining loyalty?
Mike is pretty “sign me up” for this as a sideboard card, but Patrick not only reserves ultimate judgment for now… He says that if Mike likes this card, he’ll probably LOVE the main set equivalent its existence implies.
Nitpick point: Angrath claims to be a Minotaur PIRATE (even says so in the name) but could not theoretically target itself with that [-3].
The Primal Command of Rivals of Ixalan?
One of the cool features of the beginner Planeswalker decks is the existence of a Tutor to go find a deck’s centerpiece character.
Mike doesn’t hate this one:

Angrath’s Fury
Is hie crazy?
Both cards cost five. Both cards affect life total and do multiple things; Primal Command often attacked a land; Angrath’s Fury basically always kills a creature.
Okay, okay: Crazy
Patrick and Mike also chat decks past and present, and visit a successful Standard deck… That eschews Longtusk Cub despite running Attune with Aether.