Energizing River’s Rebuke
Meet River’s Rebuke: Mirror-Breaker
Have you ever played the Temur Energy mirror match? And by “Temur” Energy we would include Four-color Energy and its cousins. The archetype is so good at brick walling itself.
Everyone has plenty of material. Attune with Aether, Rogue Refiner, and Planeswalkers can help develop resources. The Scarab God gives you something to do with your long-term land. It can bust through opposing defenses over time, and from multiple directions. Glorybringer — especially in multiples — combines evasion with card advantage. And Planeswalker-slaying!
But yet, Whirler Virtuoso is so good at keeping damage at bay!
How are you supposed to bust through?
May we suggest River’s Rebuke?
River’s Rebuke: Next Level Sideboarding
Here’s the thing about River’s Rebuke.
It’s a sorcery.
Who sides in Negate against Temur Energy? You know, the deck with 21-25 creatures? Would you side in Negate? What do you plan to Negate? A giant Vehicle? You’ve already got Abrade for that.
Whatever Negate!
It sits in your sideboard.
Meanwhile, you and your opponent accumulate more and more material, brick walling one another until…
Somebody Casts River’s Rebuke
Here’s the other thing about River’s Rebuke. It’s one-sided. Many times when you cast it, the game will be over that turn. You know all that Whirler Virtuoso brick walling? Ain’t no one home to defend. Even The Scarab God is going to fail in the face of River’s Rebuke.
Two members of the Pro Tour Ixalan Top 8 — Christian Hauk and Piotr Glogowski — ran it last weekend.
Temur Wasn’t Even the “Good” Energy Deck
Sultai Energy in the hands of former World Champion Seth Manfield reigned supreme. The trickiest of the Energy decks, Sultai has a two-card combo of Hostage Taker and Blossoming Defense that few decks want to tussle with.
Learn more about Temur, Sultai, and the entire PT Ixalan Top 8 in “Energizing River’s Rebuke” now!