Patrick’s The Gitrog Monster Combo

The Gitrog Monster allows you to win on turn five, immediately. Here’s how…
Dakmor Salvage + Seismic Assault + The Gitrog Monster
If you discard a land card to Seismic Assault with The Gitrog Monster in play, you can draw a card. If that land is Dakmor Salvage, you can dredge it back to start the cycle again! You can do this over and over (assuming you don’t run out of library) making 20 from a Seismic Assault on turn five require a trivial amount of materiel.
In fact, Dakmor Salvage has Dredge 2; that means that if you flip over another land while dredging, you will actually draw even more cards!
This configuration may be superior to previous versions of Assault-Loam because The Gitrog Monster allows you to win outright, instead of just grinding it out with card economy and a large positional advantage. That makes this version less vulnerable to instant kills from opposing combo decks.
At the same time — unlike other combo decks — all the cards are good, and synergistic with each other even when you don’t assemble an instant kill.
Seismic Assault + The Gitrog Monster
Not an immediate, sure, kill… But still very card advantageous.
Seismic Assault + Life from the Loam
The historical “combo” of these kinds of decks… Great generally, usually sure to win a long game, flexible, and of course advantageous.
The Gitrog Monster + Liliana of the Veil
Cute — maybe even very “good” — that you can use Liliana, discard a land, and draw a card while the opponent only discards. Liliana of the Veil might be key if Bogles makes a Modern comeback.
The Gitrog Monster + Wooded Foothills
Fetchlands already define Modern in large part… Now they can draw cards, too! Score another synergy for The Gitrog Monster.
Patrick has a combo… But not quite a deck yet. He needs your help Top Level Podcast community to brew this one up before this weekend’s Grand Prix. Reach out to Patrick on social media and share your ideas:
Sweet brewing, plus great admiration for the Modern work of Gerry Thompson and Sam Black on:
“Patrick’s The Gitrog Monster Combo”: