The Best Decks in the Worlds

Longtusk Cub headlined one of the best decks in the Worlds
We saw an amazing overlap of one of the best players of all time wielding those top skills at exactly the right time, combined with great preparation and and even better 60/75.
But we get it.
You have questions…
Top Level Podcast is here to answer those questions this week! Questions like…
- If The Scarab God is so good, why didn’t Huey play it in his Temur Energy deck?
- Is Commit // Memory an ace-level replacement for The Scarab God… Or basically just a boring old Utter End?
- Is Longtusk Cub secretly just the best card in Standard?
- Why should you play “Treasure Red” instead of regular old Ramunap Red?
- When should you play any of the following, and in which order? Opt, Hieroglyphic Illumination, Glimmer of Genius
- Will Huey be the first person to win Worlds, and then win Nationals the very next week?
Don’t you fret, beloved listeners! The answers to these and other burning questions await in…
The Best Decks in the Worlds